A leading market research & competitive intelligence platform

Our client offers a popular subscription-based competitive intelligence platform in the USA and Canada. This platform/tool automates tedious manual data collection and produces timely market insights that can be used to understand competitors' strategies, campaigns, products, pricing, etc. This empowers brands to act quickly and maintain their competitive edge in the market.


End-to-end Big Data management support for the client’s platform

The client has a network of incentivized partners to constantly collect industry-wide data from diverse sources and submit it to the client’s portal. They approached us in 2006 for data standardization services. We had to de-duplicate, standardize, and process this data, enabling the client to make competitive intelligence reports for their customers.

Impressed with the quality of services provided, the client delegated more responsibilities to us. Our team now handles end-to-end data support to the client including data collection, data management, data processing, and annotation. We have currently taken over 85% of the client’s process with a dedicated team of 200 resources.


Responding to the pandemic disruptions, data complexities, and time constraints

The project threw several challenges on our team that were to be dealt with proactively, including

  • The sudden hit of the pandemic hampered the process and team. Our team had to be stable, adapt to working from home, and find ways to effectively collaborate, without impacting the quality and delivery timeline.
  • Handling multi-format data coming from different industries (financial, insurance, banking, automotive, energy, real estate, telecom, etc.).
  • Setting up a quality assurance team to ensure deliverables as per client standards.
  • The client wanted to clear a huge backlog of physical mail data which were to be processed ‘just in time.’
  • At present, our team is finding ways to effectively integrate AI within the workflow for process efficiency and time-saving.

Performing complete data management and processing within the client’s competitive intelligence platform

Addressing the above challenges required a proactive and collaborative approach, involving multidisciplinary teams and industry experience.

"Despite several challenges thrown by the pandemic, we worked together and established a streamlined process, without reducing any headcount or incentives for the team. Our team enjoyed client-funded reactionary activities during the project. After the pandemic, we also visited the client on-site to understand their process closely and take up new opportunities and responsibilities from the client."
Project Manager, SunTec Data.

Data collectionData collection

Depending on the client’s requirements, our team processes 6K to 8K PDF data sector-wise on a daily basis, including scanned copies of documents and electronic data. Matching the brand’s (client’s customers) needs, our team performs data collection and sorting to filter out relevant data from large datasets coming from different partners.

Data annotation iconData cleansing

We receive unstructured data in the client’s portal. Hence, to make it usable and present it to the end users, our data management experts perform the following actions-

  • Data cleansing: We check for errors, inconsistencies, and irrelevant data. Furthermore, we filter out any confidential or personal information.
  • Data deduplication: Data submitted by different partners has duplicates. We use data matching techniques to identify and remove them to further process the data.
  • Data standardization: We convert the data into a uniform format and structure it for easy retrieval and comprehension.

Data processing Data processing

Our data processing experts convert the cleansed data into a ready-to-use format, as needed by various clients’ customers. This step involves aggregating and transforming data to generate reports and gain actionable insights.

Real-time data entryReal-time data entry

We have to meet their daily targets by entering data from different PDFs into the client's platform. Our data entry experts capture data from electronic mail, direct mail, print media, mobile digital, social media, and website URLs in real-time and enter it into pre-defined competitor intelligence forms.

Denial Appeals and ManagementData research and analysis for creating insightful reports

Our data research team keeps a tab on the competitor data points required by the end users. Based on what data is needed, our team extracts relevant data and creates actionable & insightful competition reports that are ready to be sent to the client.

Moreover, when needed, our data analytics experts provide all the reports and detailed notes to the client to help users extract valuable insights, identify patterns and measure their performance against competitors.

Data management iconTechnical web development support

The client's old website was outdated. Therefore, we assisted the client in website and data migration to the AWS platform. To help the client stay up-to-date and free from bugs and technical glitched we support the client in giving recommendations on changes in the portal, admin dashboard, website, functionalities, etc.

Data management iconAI integration & data annotation

To increase efficiency, we are integrating AI to automate certain tasks like automatically extracting details from PDFs during data entry. We are also providing annotation support to enable advanced competitor monitoring.

While the client is working on automating a few aspects, given the nature of work, data volume, and unstructured data from diverse industries, the client focuses Human-in-the-loop approach and says that the process cannot be fully automated, making the need for data experts irreplaceable.

Data management iconQuality assurance

Considering data volume and multi-format data from different sectors and industries, errors in processing and entering data were inevitable. However, by implementing a strict quality assurance process in place, we were able to successfully go from 70% to 99% data accuracy.

Our Workflow

  1. We received unstructured data

  2. Import & filter out the data as per the client's requirements

  3. Processing and deduplication of data

  4. Data filtering to remove any confidential data

  5. Real-time data entry to capture & fill relevant data points

  6. Compilation of reports + research & analysis of data

  7. Quality check

  8. Final competitor analysis data delivery

Project Outcomes

Achieved 100% integration

Took over 85% of the client’s work

Average claim submission time reduced to 7 days across all Facilities

Accuracy rate improved from 70% to 99%

 Real-time data processing with 0% backlog

Real-time data processing with 0% backlog

50000+ data fields managed per day

50000+ data fields managed per day

cleared the existing backlog

Quick scalability from 2 to 200 resources

 96% process efficiency achieved

96% process efficiency achieved

Contact Us

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